Wednesday, February 12, 2025

(Don't) Notice Me, Senpai...

 While I've often complained that Interlibrary Loan is the oft neglected, red-headed step-child of Library Services, in our new uncertain times I'm coming to accept that may have a silver lining.

A library director in a county I won't name but that lies some distance north of where I live was recently dismissed by their County Judge (e.g. county executive--Texas is weird, ya'll) because she apparently either slow-walked or balked at implementing his directive to censor LGBT+ material in the library.

Those plans are being (shamefully) implemented, apparently.

I'm just hoping the fascist junta there are just as neglectful of ILL as they always were and that their ILL personnel can fly under the radar.  

To quote from one of my favorite SciFi movies, Mr. Universe says "You Can't Stop The Signal."

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