Just finished reading John Allen Paulos's Irreligion last night. It was a good, fast read. Paulos is the mathematician turned popular writer known for his earlier works such as Innumeracy and A Mathematician Reads the Newspaper. He bemoans the state of mathematical knowledge among the public at large.
In Irreligion, Paulos sets his sights on the arguments for the existence of God, and what he views as their shortcomings, from his perspective as a mathematician. He also destroys creationist twaddle over complexity and probability.
I obtained this book through ILL and read it in roughly 2 days. I am now turning my attention back to Susan Jacoby's The Age of American Unreason.
It's a long Memorial Day Weekend, but I have zip all planned, I'm mostly kicking back and being lazy, and using my leisure time to read. I'm also planning on installing a USB hub at work, and a digital webcam on my work PC. I'm debating whether to install the newest equipment at work, or install the newest at home and take the older equipment from my apartment and set it up on my work PC instead. I haven't made up my mind yet.
I also finished the Anime series Gungrave, which is a bizarre mix of sci-fi, horror, and a mafia gangland story and a tragic love story of star-crossed lovers all rolled into one. It was pretty good, though the cover art is misleading...the sci-fi elements don't enter into the story until the last few volumes, the mafia backstory takes up the bulk of the series. It's described as the kind of Anime director John Woo would do, if he were an Anime creator instead of an action film director. I can sort of see that, yeah.
More later, perhaps.
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