Friday, May 22, 2009

question: is it possible to do strikethrough text on Blogger?

I have a question; Is it possible to do "strikethrough" text on Blogger? I see that on other blogs and I think it's a pretty cool blogging convention; it basically says, yeah, I wrote this, but then I found out I was wrong, or my info was incomplete, and I'm posting a correction. Literally says "scratch that, here's the real dope". I looked through blogger help and there's no easy button to do it, as you CAN do with Bold or Italics. (which would be a nice widget,!!--hint, hint!), but I think you just have to code it in raw HTML, which I don't know how to do. Would appreciate it if I could find out how.

1 comment:

Amanda said...

Looks like this is the HTML:'t demonstrate because that tag is not allowed in the comments.