Ok, so in truth I already had a LibraryThing account long before I started the North Texas 23 Things, but also true is the fact I did next to nothing with it. I did have a dust-up with the LibraryThing head honcho when he dissed the Dewey Decimal System, and he came on and joined AUTOCAT and promptly got his *ss handed to him by the more experienced catalogers there, IMHO. Fun was had by all.
But yes, LT is fun to play around with and certainly easier to manage than "Wish Lists" on Amazon.com, which is where I have been storing my "for future reading" book lists; This has worked as a crutch, but over time this becomes unwieldy as the lists become increasingly huge and difficult to navigate easily.
LT offers a way out of this conundrum, at least in theory. I'll have to play around with it more, but it seems like a fun, harmless diversion for bibliophiles. It will never replace rigorous cataloging standards as practiced in libraries, however.
Will publish more later on LT if anything inspires me further.
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