Completed Thing 18 on Wikis.
My sample wiki page here.
It also has 2 "sub-pages". It was a little tricky because I had to pick a name for the sub-pages that noone else had used or else it wouldn't "take" (I tried multiple times before figuring this out). Maybe just a hiccup with the pages, who knows.
We also use a Departmental Wiki at work, and I have fooled around on the LIS Wiki and in Wikipedia itself. Wikis can be good for collaborative efforts, but for example a library Wiki would need to be restricted to staff members only, or at least certain parts of it would need to be walled off from patrons. Most staff wikis tend to be internal documents, not intended for public display and consumption, much less editing.
Wikis are based on the logic of the "wisdom of the crowds", or more simply, "two heads are better than one".
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